Finally the waiting time pass by fast by chatting with friends, we are allowed to take our result finally ... i went forward and sign to take some of my document , in the end here come ... the result ... i was informed to go dewan kuliah to take my result .... when i heard it , i was quite happy because my result definitely have to be something to have my result waiting me at there haha,then i went there as fast as possible.
Finally i opened up my result .... 3A and 1B !!!! OMG !! freaking happy !!!!
General paper for A , Chemistry and Math T for A- and biology(SUPER HARD subject to get A) got a B+ , hence overall , my CGPA is 3.67
after that fill in some details of my pass result then went to the new building to take a picture with everyone who gets good result ~~

Went to mcd with waison,kevin ong,chadwick and kwan yean ... we enjoy a lot of fun time together.In the end , i meet chee yik and his brother also ~~
I am satisfy with my results and hope that i can apply for a scholarship to overseas, i am not saying local uni is bad but since you have the chance why not you go overseas ??