Today is sunday which mean parents are coming to visit their children . During morning gathering , we , company Bravotake a video of ourselve marching after other company went back to their dome. Luckily i am in the first row . I can see my face in the video @.@ . After we went back to our dome , we were asked to clean our dome AGAIN !!! . I quickly washed my cloth cause today is a sunny day and i hate to miss this chance cause in kem Syruz ... it is always raining .... Haizz after that i go clean up my bed .
Later ... we chinese need to go our religious class gain .. we get to go out from the camp every sunday for our class .... Today .. those chinese whom are lazy to go to the class get their punishment by writing as essay to explain why they are not going to the class . Today class .... we just enjoy ourselve with those small campers .. we dance together .. laught together .... and enjoy together for this nice moment . It's very fun today .. too bad i do not have the picture to show ya all .....
We wake up on 7a.m and walk to the canteen with our class uniform . Why u asked ??? we are having our moneytary class later on 9a.m . 0.o sounds interesting . I hope that i can learn a thing or two from it . First, the teacher teaches us about needs and desire .Next, he teaches us to plan a budjet before using our money . Lastly , He let us know about the story of Warren Buffet (The second richest man in the world).He (Warren Buffet) said that 'let the right person do the right things' .... quite educational ... he means that .. you din't have to do everything by your own .. just let people besides you to do the job . BUT .... I use most of the time in class to sleep @.@ . Luckily my squad leader din't notice that i was sleeping due to the super sleeping technique that i had in my sleeve ^.^ . If my squad leader notice that i am sleeping .. i am doomed i tell you . Why ?? He is going to raise me 2 stars and that's a bad thing .... Why 2 starts ?? oo that is our company rules ... under the law of system stars , the moon and the sun .. in malay we call (sistem bintang,bulan and matahari) swt hor ??? Nothing to do much on today night .. just go to the rest room and watched some paper and go play some chinese chess . Well .... PLKN have it's pros and cons ... but i still said that PLKN has more pros then cons .All people should NS to gain some experienced .
Our class for today start on 9am sharp. 8 teams were prepared to present their act on the stages . Some of the team name are matrik,smart unity,antibiotic,H2o and some other more (other de i forget le so pai seh ar) and of cause , my team name is Soul Fighter . 3 teams had present from 9 am to 10.30am then another 3 teams presented from 11.00a.m till 12 pm .huh ?? my team ?? oooo my team is the last team to present ... and i am nervous ....WhY ??? cause .... they told me to do MC !!!!! Nevermind .... i am used to it at here ler =.= But ... i only have 3 lines to say about during the stage ... so feel a little bit like pasu bunga @.@ LOL . Finally ... it's our turn to present ... and so here we start ... the funny part in our show is .... when the police caught those perogol , they drop their towel ACCIDENTALLY and let their boxers shown on the stages and they keep shout tower !! tower !!! Somehow we managed to act till the end. Finally , they were going to announce the result . I do not have the courage to hear the result .... but as they announce .. our team get the 1st among all of the team , all of us cheered happily and sang out our company song .
Our CV class has ended and today we are going to enter a new class again which is held by the ministry of health . We get to learn more about various diseases such as AIDS (Acuquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom) , dengue fever and other diseases . I even get 1 book for answering a question which is what is WHO (World Health Organisation) .During the afternoon class each company is seperated into 2 groups to present a show tommorow . OMG .... again with the presentation ? ! ? Our team name is soul fighter . A bit lame -.- but nevermind. Today evening , we have a football competition @.@ .... wait hold on for a sec ..... today is wirawati football match which mean wira will be cheering for them @.@ .... My company brings our pail and some bottles to the football field and cheer for them , I even cat myself into half black people by using the polisher for shoes ..... the lower part of my face are all covered in black . We had a tie with company Alpha and the komandam decided to give us a penalty but luck is not on our side , Alpha successfully kicked in the ball and they were declared winner of today's football match . haizzz we are going to put up a show on tommorow ... and the worst part is we don't know what is out part yet ... so blur @.@

They cheered happily when ALPHA won =.= .....
Today is a rainy day . So .. we skipped our piti pagi hehe but still i don't have much time to sleep because ... our squad leader keep wakes us up ....and in the end all of us din't get enough sleep . Today is our last class for modul 2 ... time really past by fast when you are enjoying it .. BUT i was busy with my groups presentation .... We have juggle competition today , after that .... we are going to present something to the class ... GULP !!!!!! It's is the time to present ... i haven't complete it though...... OMG !!!!! i quickly complete our script before our team start . During the act ... i give it all out , i do not care about shynesss and make a lot of big action during the act . Although it's not the best but i feel glad that i lead my team for this performances . During the evening , the kem komandam gives us a speech again ... it is about matriculation .. the result of matriculation is coming out in 2 or 3 days and we were asked to give our name and ic to them so that they can check for us . He also told us that we have another programe which is program integrasi in the coming week and he tole us that as much as 57 people will changed to other camp .. what a shocking news ... I wrote up my name and ic number to the trainer for them to help me check for the matriculation result . I hope that i din't get to enter matriculation cause i wanna go for form 6 and i also wish that i wasn't one of the 57 person which will getting their camp changed .
The officers from Jabatan Latihan Khidmat Negara (JLKN) is coming to pay us a visit . HENCE , We have to do our best for today to get a good 'grades' from them . If not , We are going to face the consequences of getting tortuted by the teachers especially the desciplinary teacher. Today , we write out our goals and aims in our class . Hehe of cause , my first goal to accomplish is to get out from National service mar , if not how are we going to achieve other goals leh ?? ( All my chinese friends in my groups think so too).We have our CPR class (pertolongan cemas) , we learn to save someone out from choking their food .We have our first kayak practise today during the afternoon , We are given 1 lifeguards per person to keep ourselve floating in the water . We were given the chance to swim around the lake . It is an exciting experience for me because i do not have the chance to go swimming before . During rollcall , the komandam praises us for our cooperation for the day and told us that we will get our handphone this thursday and we can go back home on 9th may if we get the letter to further our study .

Hehe... en dao bor ??? me wearing lifejacket @.@
Today , Arghhh !! a new day of a new week . Today we learn quite a lots of things during class .I learnt that it is always better to have both sides gaining an adavntages . Next i learnt to give whithout hoping any return . I also gain a lots of experience and knowledges during class and i hope that i am gonna use it sometime outside camp . Buring out morning break at 10.30A.M , when all of us were having our meal , suddenly we heard 'Baris,Baris Sedia' and all of us stood up straight immediately and wondering that is happening .It was ..... It was ..... the komandam . Zzzzz we stood for about 3 minutes and we went back to our respective class at 11am We have gotong royong again in this afternoon .... Still the same gotong-royong ??? No No No .... it's not the same ... today afternoon gotong-royong is .... we were gonna clean the whole kem ... not out own dome ..... My team is responsible of cleaning the walls . When Cikgu G also known as Handsome Gila asked that any volunteers willing to clean the walls from the outside . Me , Lay Chong and Keang Wei stood out and we follow the lead and walked out of the gate with "SPECIAL PERMISSION" hehe . It's is killing me after all those gotong-royong .Tonight ... we have another class AGAIN !!!!! It;'s is about tali tinggi and tali rendah for example flying fox . Still the same ... I sleep throughout the whole class ... no choice i really tired ....
Today is parents wisiting days .Hehe the best part is i need to wait 3 more weeks till my company duty again , Hehehehe Why ??? This is because that we chinese back for ching beng during our duty week , hence we were excused from duty !!! Today my parents is going to visit me @.@ ...i Also asked them to take my phone here so i can take some picture and video .. hehehe so that i can act as a memories and besides ... i can show off to my friends especially to those who din't come to National services . My parents go back at 1pm then i quickly rush back to my dome and prepare for my religous class again ... We were divided into 6 groups in order to play the games they prepared for u s.I was the group leader of my group .They asked each of our team to put up a show ... @.@ ... oh my god .... i am not good in acting ... no choice we still go up the stage and give out all .Although it is not the best act but at least we tried our best.I feel quite happy that i came to national service for the first time and it is a decision that i din't regret .
We have our medical checkup on today morning . All malays were asked to line up outside before we start our medical checkup. Why u asked ??? It is because that malays were found out smoking at their surau ... cause the teacher spotted the cigaratte heads in the surau .. and they are going to catch those who were guilty .After that, we begin our medical checkup .It is just some simple test , they just test ur blood pressure,height and weight ... After our lunch , the teacher come in our done to spotcheck our lockers and bag to see whether there are any cigaratte . They check chinese and indian simply but they were very strict on malay .I think this is because that only a small portion of chinese smoke bar .Afternoon we have another gotong=royong again ... Give up a break MAN !!!! it's tired .. really tired .haizzzz the malays looks more like playing water then gotong royong . Tonight i ran to dome 8 to chat .. I met a new friends which is rong kai ... He just came to NS because he got JPA interviews previously and have about 2 weeks of holidays . I regret study hard during SPM .... but nevermind , form 6 is a new start for me .

Today is friday , hence the malays din't joined us for morning piti . Hehe ... siok lor ... no meaningless sound blah here blah there . Morning .. still same .... modul 2 classes ... and we start to learn juggleing things 0.O . We got a class about pembalutan . A lot of so called 'mummy' came out from us the trainee ... For example some of them cover their heads,chest,hands,legs and etc . Someone even use the cloth to make a tudung , he was just like a malay girl ... and somemore ... the teacher invited him up to the stage ... everybody in the canteen laugh about it @.@ . Nothing special about today night ... just that we chinese is going to attend our religous class.
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