Today is a rainy day ... so the trainer let us go in class for the whole day today . Modul 2 in the morning .. class for maps during the afternoon . We have our religous class during the night , Someone in our class is having hers birthday tommorow which is 10.4.2009 , our teacher even brought her a cake to eat with her friends together ... We chinese skip our supper for rollcall and we ended playing in the hall ..... etc . Simon says and Wira VS Wirawati because ... they are spraying medicine for Mosquito Aedes .... Hence we cannot go back our respective dome .
We were going to enter Modul 2 class which is the ccontinued class after Modul 1. It's still ok at first .. but it begin boring when the teacher are explaining the rules and regulation durin the class ... i even fall asleep for a while =( . Today i met some friends from different company (This is because we are split among companies) which include Full , from company Alpha , Ei Vyon from Charlie , and Sook Wan from Delta . We have our taekwando lesson after our 1 hour marching lesson . We just train our punches ... =.=" Still . i and some of my friends chit chat during evening while the other playing sports ... and that's all for today
Today is the last day for Class Modul 1 . The teacher ask all of us to make a presentation according to our groups . Our Group which is ' Perpaduan' get a title about perjanjian which is promises in english . I play a role which i scolded my friend from being late. After our play , My friends say when i sound like Ah Hock from the movie we always see in class when i scold in the play . SWT !!!! somehow .... i felt a bit sad because we ended our class ..... We were given the time to went up and shake each other hands as a token of appreciation . We do not have any activities during the afternoon during the rain . It's fun and great today
We, Bravo is the earlist company to reach all destination like canteen,the field .. and etc ... but the malay actually felt happy and proud about it .... =.=" . Today morning , we go to Modul 1 class as usual .. Although it's a bit boring but i actually enjoy it for sometime and somemore i like to hear the song 'Hijau' . We got a talk during this afternoon , it's is about emergency rescues . Today evening, our company get to play football but unfortunately me and some of my friends did not involved ourselve because we are not good in football plus the malay kicks football seriously .. and we do not want to injure ourselve . We had rollcall at 10pm .. This is the earliest time ever for our rollcall .... We get to go back to our respective dome earlier today hehe .....
Started to write about NS life after saw some friends record it as a diary @.@ ..... Today we chinese gonna go back camp d from ching beng ....I reach camp abt 4pm which i suppose to reach at 5pm .. Nevermind ma .. reach earlier better ma if not we will get BIG REWARDS !!! (you know what i mean) Today night ... The malays go to surau again (They need to go there every night 7pm to 9pm) In a Flash ... OMFG !! NO electricity .. and during that week .. i heard a lot of rumours abt 'G' ~~~~ Chinese from Dome 3,6 and 8 come to our dome which is Dome 4 ... The more people the meriter @.@
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