Today , Company Alpha and Bravo were required to wake up on 5 a.m . Why ?? Because we are going to play M16 – A1 which were going to accompany by Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia . We had our breakfast at 6.30 am with full celoreng.. We start our journey about 7.30 am. It’s a 20 minutes journey till we reach MARA to practice firing. I was in detail 18 which mean I need to wait a long time until it’s my turn to shoot. I slept when I was waiting for my turn =P . Finally it’s my turn to fire a gun . We were given 5 bullet to test and 20 bullets for marks . I just fire at my target as the distance is up to 100m far away . I do not have the confidence in getting high marks in shooting =.= . Before we went back to our camp … the officers check us and want us to swear that we din’t take any of the bullets or else we were gonna be sued unter mahkamah tentera and if found guilty, we were gonna be sentence 20 years in jail ……
27 April 2009
Today sleep till almost cannot wake up. Zzzz haizzz Today sipek no mood. Why?? I also don’t know what the reason is. Today, we are required to wear full celoreng again. Hot lar ~~~ We sit at the canteen doing nothing again. The Air force ( Tentera Udara diraja Malaysia as TUDM) is going to give us a lecture about M16-A1 . I learn nothing …. except one which is picu (The firing part ) Tonight , one of my fren , kok soon told me that my pail had been damaged by the ‘local’ KANASAI !!!! I endure it !!! I might leave this camp in 1 week time ….. if slot I might leave in 2 more weeks …. A bit sad …
26 April 2009
Today is sunday which means that parents get to come for visit again. Today my parents come and visit me @.@ and my mom even cooked for me ... too bad i can't eat all of it cause i am stuff with today morning breakfast ( Mee Goreng , and don't forget about the chili part)They went back home around 12 pm and i need to go back and prepare for my religious class later at 1.30p.m . We set off and reach there about 2 pm . Firstly, we read some kitab 1st and after that , they let us see a video . This story is about a teacher which educate the children @.@ ….. but she had a brain tumor in her brain and refuse to undergo treatment because she cares more about the children ( which I don’t think anyone in the reality will do that)
Today we went to the canteen as usual . Today we had roti canai as breakfast ... but the curry ... it tastes sweet ... YULK !!!! We had gotong-royong on today morning .... We had our blood test during the morning . The test result is .. 16.8 ( Haemoglobin Concentration) The doctor say that is is a bit high ....I thought i had a good health .....
The medik toilet looks clean @.@
The medik room looks clean too sommore got air-conditional
Today we had rollcall from 9.30p.m till 10.30p.m .Tonight i saw my things were lefted on the table and my pail grow legs and walk from dome 4 toilet to dome 3 toilet ..... really angry that the malays done it . They even wear my inner that i just washed to rollcall just now and they throw it under my bed after use .... Wahlau ...angry till cannot sleep .... such Brainless act .......
Today is the last day of our class program integrasi . The teacher leave our class ( i also dunno what is the reason) , .. Very boring at first ... UNTIL someone opened the gate which seperate 2 classes , then i go join my other friends which in another class , i also make some new friends there and of cause some OLD's one XD . We exchange our phone numbers and e-mail addresses . We even took some pictures of ourselves .


We had KFC .... before our lunch so i skipped my lunch in the canteen cause i am stuffed @.@ ....Today TKP asked us to wear the full uniform and gather at dataran sukan on 2.30p.m . He let us stood there for an hour .... WAHLAU ... my leg is killing me ..... During afternoong , We have a raptai for our tonight majlis penutupan . The teachers cancel our today riadah because we had a big night tonight . I wear baju melayu for the first time in my life ^.^ . feel a bit weird but nevermind . When the wirawati reaches the canteen ... OMG ... They looks beautiful and some of them even wear cheongsam .... Really pretty haha ... For the presentation , We have chinese dances first ---> Indian dances -----> Malay dances . Even the jurulatih (teachers) perform a show too ^.^ haha .Luckily Eugene recorded all of the dances hehe later asked him send all of it to me , So i can take it back to showoff to my friends . After the majlis penutupan , the komandam give us an hour to take photo with anyone we like either teachers or friends . I went up and call up all my friends and we took a lot of pictures together . Haha ... Really feel happy today .

Today we go to our class as usual , the teacher asked us to collect some money from the class to buy KFC . 0.o ... KFC ^.^ . After our small break , we have a 5 vs 5 debate ... WIRA VS WIRAWATI . The topic of the debate is .... Who is more greater among boys and girls .... Hehe sure We Wira win de lar ^.^ cos got me mar ... and besides the WIRAWATI couldn't debate it back the question we asked them ... Hehe .... BUT the teacher gives us a tie T.T ...... we were suppose to win T.T ... sob lar .... KANASAI ..... 15 ppl got their handphon confiscated and we were worrying whether our handphone will be took back tonight,,,, zzzzz ,Today is the final match of the football competition among WIRA , ALPHA VS CHARLIE . All of us dress funny again (luckily we got our handphone and we took a lot of pictures from it ^.^ but i hope we won't get to return it back) Charlie scores 2 goals first .... But Alpha managed to score 1 goal during the late of the game and that makes Charlie won the football competition .After the match , the komandam say that we can keep our handphone and he will give one chance to those who get their phone confiscated . Wee~~~ Happy LOR . We had our dinner at 7.30p.m due to the football match ... somemore we had our religious class at 8.30 p.m ... All of us rush back and tidy up ourselve . Today is a tired day Zzzzz .. i quickly went to bed after our rollcall ..... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

These are the picture we took together during the creative football match
Today we had our 30 minutes marching lesson after our piti .... Hate it ..... Not i cannot cope with the lesson .. just that i had learnt those steps and commands for 5 YEARS ... and i hate to learn the same things again . At the beggining of our program integrasi class , the teacher let us play a few games due to the low number of students in the class . Why u asked ?? this is because they are involved in the performance of friday's night .... so they need to get themselve prepared and a lot of practice have to be done . After our games , the teacher bring us outside of the class for study purposes , the air is quite fresh and i don't feel like sleeping @.@ .... I too my nap during our free time during the noon .... i keep sleeping until 2pm ..... then afternoon we go to the class again @.@ ...... Very boring hor ??? everyday got class like that ..... Today afternoon we BRAVO VS CHARLIE in a football match ... Charlie scored 1 goal during the beggining of the game . Awwwww ....... suddenly dun have the mood to cheer ... Zzzzz Another goal for Charlie again ... XD ... Finally ... Bravo scored 1 goals from the penalty and that makes us 2-2 when the game ends oo and 1 more .. today we also dresses funny too ..... due to the RULES that were set by the komandam ... Pai Seh ar .... no photo about this cause we din't get our handphone to take those pictures T.T .... Anyway , we get out hanphone today night as the komandam promises ^.^ .... on monday ..... YAHA !!!!!
Today we had our class from morning to afternoon .... very tired lo . Today we have a new competition again . Alpha VS Delta in a minifootball .Both people from company wear funny dresses due to this is a creative football match ... ALpha scored 3 goals in the beggining of the game ... they were too strong ..... imagine they can kick the ball as high as a tree ...... Tonight ... we get our hair cut again ..... Zzzzz cut till bo feeling ler .... I had cut my hair for 5 years ler ... due to the school rules .. and i am going to cut it 2 more years in form 6 ... haizzzz poor me ... never get to get my hair grown .
Finally, Hahahaha i had stay in NS Kem Syruz for 1 month ler .. Today we are going to take several picture at camp . Gambar seluruh Kem , Gambar Kompeni and Gambar Dome .... we are required to wear full uniform .

The uniform is just like as above
After our small break during the morning, we are going to start our new modul class which is program integrasi. It is a class that makes us understand more about each other culture and religious, . I was in the 2nd group ... too bad most of my friend are in class 4 and 6 .....which is only next to me but at least keang wei is in the same class with me and i am happy about it hehe ... at least got someone to talk with during the class .Today we had our lunch with the komandam of the kem , while we rae waiting for the arrival of the komandam ... our meals have attracted a lot of fly and we keep keeping our eyes on our meals .... SWT . At first , the teacher give us a book and it is about the food , dancing and the traditional game of different races and we went through the class for the whole afternoon . Today evening .... we have a final match of football , Charlie Wirawati against Alpha Wirawati . In the 1 hour exciting match ...... They had a draw at 0-0 , it is a penalty ....Although Charlie had a good start but ... luck wasn't on their side ... Alpha scored 2 more goals in a flash and that makes Alpha won the foodball match . They are going to announce the list os the people which going to get their camp changed .... We keep talk about this topic ... cause we are scared ... later if we get changed to Johor ??? what are we going to do leh ???? Wait patiently ba .... Still feeling scared although hear some rumours that this case are fake .....
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